Remove black background on Photoshop (2022)

Remove black background on Photoshop (2022)

Most images from the Internet contain a background, either a white or black. The most common solution to get rid of the background is to make a selection of the background with a selection tool and delete it. There is a much faster method to clear the white or black background under Photoshop (if the image is made up of several distinct layers).

How to quickly remove image background on Photoshop?

  • Open your image in Adobe Photoshop.
  • Double click your thumbnail layer to open the blending options.
  • Go into the Blending Options (first tab) and then in to comparison to gray (at the bottom).
  • To remove a white background slightly pull the white slider to the left (a value of 250 is usually sufficient).
remove image background photoshop
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  • Conversely, to remove black background, pull the black slider to the right.

You can also remove the image background in Photoshop manually by selecting objects with tools and subtracting them from layers.

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