Turn off WhatsApp notifications: sound, for specific groups

Turn off WhatsApp notifications: sound, for specific groups

This short guide will teach you how to mute an individual or group chat in WhatsApp Messenger. In doing so, you'll temporarily disable message notifications for the selected conversation. We'll also show you how to turn off the WhatsApp notification sound on Android and iPhone.

How to mute WhatsApp message notifications?

This method of muting WhatsApp notifications works for both Android and iPhone devices:

  • Open WhatsApp, go to the Chats tab and browse for the conversation you'd like to mute. Hold your finger down on the selected conversation until a small menu appears. This allows you to mute a single group or chat, or alternatively mute numerous chats.
  • Next, tap on View Contact to open the profile page of the selected contact or group. Here, you will find various options to edit the notification settings for the selected contact.
  • Go to Notifications and toggle the Mute switch On:
  • You can choose to mute the conversation for a period of 8 hours, 1 Week, or 1 Year.  Turning off notifications for 8 hours is the best option if you don't want to be disturbed at night, but want to receive notifications the next morning without having to go back to the notification settings to turn notifications back on. 
  • If you would like to hide the notification count for the selected conversation, you simply have to clear the Show notifications checkbox.
  • Once everything is set up correctly, tap on OK to save your settings.

How to turn off WhatsApp notification sound?

Turning off the WhatsApp notification sound on your device is simple. Open WhatsApp and go to More Options > Settings > Notifications > turn conversations tones off (or on if you want to reenable sounds). You can also turn off sounds on your mobile device in the general settings, although this will effect other apps and notifications, and not just WhatsApp. 

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