Dell Inspiron 1545 wont start up.

tessie belle - Dec 4, 2011 at 07:36 AM
komaghan Posts 4 Registration date Sunday December 4, 2011 Status Member Last seen December 6, 2011 - Dec 4, 2011 at 08:34 AM

Hopefully someone more computer literate than myself can help me withis one.When I switch on the screen is displaying a message saying Windows failed to start,below that is two messages one is highlighted which reads launch start up repair the other one reads start windows normally.When I try any of these the next message reads Windows is loading files.Then the screen goes back to the two original messages ie launch start up repair etc.Can anybody offer any advice please I would be so grateful. thanks..


1 response

komaghan Posts 4 Registration date Sunday December 4, 2011 Status Member Last seen December 6, 2011
Dec 4, 2011 at 08:34 AM
may be your os is corrupted r zenix problem so u,u uses other heard disk to recover ur heard dish,.with CW.exe that is windows crack..,any clarifaction me mail id Email Id removed for security