Data Execution, svchost, issues

notyourmom - Dec 24, 2011 at 01:35 PM
 notyourmom - Dec 24, 2011 at 02:36 PM
I come to you beaten down, there has rarely been computer issues in this life I could not fix, including others. I have ran about 20 diff.quality spyware-malware-AV-rootkit programs and am clean. When FIRST startup of the day, I have no audio, no audio device is shown. I go to services and start the Win Audio, and there it is, all better. I can reboot 10 times aday and once I have fixed the audio, I have it. BUT the next day, first startup, no audio. I have been getting svchost error and cannot understand the appcompat.txt I have saved when it comes up ..... Also the first startup of the day, after the svchost error, my theme reverts to Classic, I have to go into Desktop Properties, appearance,pick a diff.color or shade for Desktop, save it, and then it comes back fine. I have done sfc/scannow and had no errors....This all started when last week I went to a microwave internet wireless provider - had always been DHCP wherever I used internet with diff.providers, now am PPPoe with this provider. After he set me up, had no connection, he had me do the LSPFix and WinsockFix progs from softpedia.

1 response

sorry, PS

now since the wireless set me up, at shutdown, I see
closing connections......................have NEVER had this before, and I certainly DON'T have a network, just one lowly desktop.