Lan card dose not receive & send packets

bijoy - Jan 27, 2012 at 12:25 AM
 Blocked Profile - Jan 28, 2012 at 08:57 AM
dear sir,

I m working as a network engineer for a few months. I observed a problem while troubleshooting a customer internet. I found that lan card dose not send and received packets whether the lan card was proper blinking. I took the following steps while troubleshooting :

1) I changed the connector
2) I changed the port of the switch
3) I also changed the speed and duplex
4) I changed the pair of the wire

But all the steps are fruitless. I was sure that there was no problem from internet wire as I received the proper connectivity from hub side. Then I configure the internet, in another machine, the internet was working well and LAN card also received and sent the proper packets.

I would like to know from you that were the above steps right or is there any steps for troubleshooting of the subject cited above. plz help.

with thanks


1 response

Blocked Profile
Jan 27, 2012 at 09:49 PM
Have you tried another lan card in the PC
dear sir/madam,

Thanks for responding my e-mail.

As I wrote in my last e-mail that while connecting the same wire in another machine the net was working fine. In another machine the lan card was receiving and sending packets properly. But in the earlier machine, lan card did not receive and send packets though I did not try with a new lan card. Yesterday i.e. on 27/01/2012, I observed the same problem again while visiting a customer. Plz give me guidance to troubleshoot the problem...........................with thanks

Blocked Profile
Jan 28, 2012 at 08:57 AM
Whats the setup?
Where is DHCP coming from?
does the PC in fault get valid TCP/IP settings?/
can it see default gateway, DNS etc?