Need a recovery disc for hp pavilion desktop

aus_T - Apr 12, 2009 at 03:57 AM
roidver Posts 6 Registration date Wednesday April 1, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 9, 2009 - Apr 12, 2009 at 07:49 AM
I attempted to run recovery disc on desktop as everything was running real slow, not loading & many many error messages. When i try to use discs it says incorrect disc in use .. but it is the correct one. i have pc working partially though it is very obvious it is missing files. It has application issues & so not performing anywhere near how it should be. im pretty certain a virus or something nasty has jumped in & guessing its possible the hard drive may have kicked the bucket to a point but Id say it wouldnt work at all if that was the case. id appreciate any advice that may be helpful. i created the recovery disc when I first got pc as suggested, though only made the 1 copy.unfortunately now that 1 seems to be failing & system only allows 1 copy to be made which i wasnt aware of till now.otherwise i would have made several copies off of inital 1. anyway thanks for what ever help you may have.

1 response

roidver Posts 6 Registration date Wednesday April 1, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 9, 2009 1
Apr 12, 2009 at 07:49 AM
if you have got a virus, download an antivirus and run it.
this will remove the virus.
try this link: 1307 trojan remover