Slow Boot After Clone By Win Image Backup

Blocked Profile - Jun 8, 2016 at 04:09 AM
 Blocked Profile - Jun 10, 2016 at 12:46 AM
I have 2 identical hp5700 sff desktops, intel duo 1.8g, 32bit, 4g ram. I decided I could clone the 160g WD drive of desktop A, which works fine, and install the clone to 320g WD in desktop B, since they are identical units. I used win image backup. After completion, desktop B boots to a screen with a spinning circle and the message "please wait", which lasts 2 minutes, and then it moves to the logon screen. Logon is fast enough to desktop and the computer performs normally after this. Desktop A boots fine without the 2 minute delay. I inserted repair disk, which said there were MBR errors which it fixed, but this didn't change the delay. I ran error check/ repair from c drive>properties>tools with no change. I would love to have help fixing this.

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Jun 8, 2016 at 05:00 AM
So you've cloned Desktop A to Desktop B so now they're both running the same install with the same PC name and the same SIDs.

On the one you've cloned to, I would run sysprep found in here:

Blocked Profile
Jun 10, 2016 at 12:46 AM
Thank you for help !!!