Hard Drive, Smartphone, Laptop: This Mistake Destroys Your Devices

Hard Drive, Smartphone, Laptop: This Mistake Destroys Your Devices

Many people unknowingly make mistakes when transporting electronic devices that can lead to irreparable damage. Fortunately, these issues can be easily avoided.

Headphone cables, phone chargers, USB cables for external hard drives: if you have a collection of electronic gadgets and accessories, you've likely accumulated many cables over time. These often end up piled in a drawer or bag without any organization. While this might seem harmless, storing your chargers and cables this way can quickly damage your devices, especially hard drives. To prevent this, there are simple ways to better organize your cables and devices.

Firstly, avoid coiling cables and tossing them directly into your bag or backpack, as the ends can get caught on zippers or other objects, causing damage and preventing them from connecting properly to your devices. Additionally, small movements during transport can wear out the cable and plug. This issue is particularly problematic with thin cables but less so with thicker laptop cables. Moreover, cables can become tangled and get damaged when yanked to untangle them.

Secondly, if you're transporting your laptop or hard drive, unplug the cables first, then coil them carefully without making them too tight and avoid bending the ends to prevent breaking the part of the cable that connects to the port. To secure cables this way, you can buy small Velcro strips from any electronics store.

To further protect your cables, don't store them loosely in a large bag; use smaller compartments. Many laptop bags have special elastic nets ideal for storing coiled cables. Another economical trick is to use clothespins to keep cables folded. Ensure you use soft plastic pins that don't leave marks. When using this trick, coil the earphone cable loosely around your palm and then secure it so that both ends remain free.

Additionally, consider using cable organizers or pouches with individual slots for each cable to prevent tangling and wear. Labeling your cables can also help you quickly find the one you need without rummaging through a tangled mess. By taking these precautions, you can extend the lifespan of your cables and ensure that your devices remain in good working order.