The discussions

How can i import the xmltv data into the viewer?

I am testing my xmltv channel list to ensure that everything is working correctly. How do Iknow if the EPG data is displaying accurately and how can I...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Sep by

Best practices for optimizing python performance

What are the best practices for optimizing the performance of a Python application that handles large datasets?


Key benefits and challenges of cloud computing for smes

What are the key benefits and challenges of adopting cloud computing for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and how can they ensure data securi...


How do test environments for information systems work?

I want to know what is and how can I use an environment test. Please, answare the question saying which you recommend for beginners.

1 reply Last reply on 5 Sep by

Help with error handling in python

Hello everyone, I am facing a problem with my Python script when trying to handle exceptions. I am using a try/except block to catch errors;  but ins...


How can i optimize docker container performance?


Question: I'm looking to improve the performance of my Docker containers. What are some best practices or tools I can use to optimize resource usage a...

1 reply Last reply on 31 Jul by


Hello, What are the differences between "git merge" and "git rebase", and when should each be used? I often hear about "git merge" and "git rebase" ...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jul by

Timing conflict in a batch file in x32win10prov22h2


I will present two versions of a batch file, and list the effects they have. Start "" "C:\Program Files\ToggleTaskbarAutohide\ToggleTaskbarAutohide.e...

17 replies Last reply on 2 May by

Web development


What are the basic elements of web development?

1 reply Last reply on 11 Mar by

Where is crt unit in delphi

Hello, where is Crt unit in Delphi ?

1 reply Last reply on 2 Mar by

Problem in servlet url-pattern java

This is the web.xml file : ClientServlet ma.fstt.web.ClientServlet ClientServlet /client And this is a part of ClientServlet...

2 replies Last reply on 27 Jul 2023 by

Website cls is not passing

Hi there any technical expert here my website CLS is not passing any suggestions or recommendations 

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jul 2023 by



Hello, Hi to all Buddies out there, What is annotations and how it working?

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jul 2023 by

What is (functional) reactive programming?


I've read the Wikipedia article on Reactive Programming. I've also read the small article on functional Reactive Programming. The descriptions are qui...

3 replies Last reply on 27 Jul 2023 by

Python: data scraping


I'm interested in understanding the data scraping mechanism used by this website (lottery results). Could you please provide details on how the websit...

2 replies Last reply on 20 Jun 2023 by

Python hangman game program error


Hello this is Gulshan Negi Well, I am writing a program for Hangman Game in python but it shows some error at the time of execution. I also checked a...

2 replies Last reply on 18 Jun 2023 by

Upgrading from sitecore 6.6 to sitecore 7.0

Bookmark this question. I am trying to update a Sitecore 6.6 instance to Sitecore 7.0. After logging in to the Sitecore administrative interface an...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Apr 2023 by

Constantly have to restart chat gpt


A month ago I registered in the chat. At that time he was in the country where he was splashed. I did a lot of interesting experiments with AI and don...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Feb 2023 by

Which language should i learn when starting career as ds?


I just wanted to know whether to start learning R or Python are both are used for data science and they usually say you shouldn't learn both of them. ...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Dec 2022 by

I have superfast hosting and domain, can i mine btc or other


I have superfast hosting and domain, can I mine btc or other crypto on my website with any script, code, etc?

1 reply Last reply on 5 Sep 2022 by

How do i generate a 10 digit number between 1-2? 1112122212


Any Coding or website? How do I generate a 10 digit number between 1-2? like this 1112122212 1112222111 2212121212 2222222222

1 reply Last reply on 10 Aug 2022 by

Develop a database using nosql

hi this is batman want to develop a database using nosql,

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jul 2022 by

Javascript fermer une modal formulaire

Hello, je souhaite fermer ma modal ( un formulaire) avec le button submit (c'est parti) et il ne se passe rien ! je dois arriver à fermer et au cli...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Apr 2022 by

How to create a bin file


Hello How to make a BIN FILE?

1 reply Last reply on 28 Jan 2022 by

Hi,how to program app


please help me

2 replies Last reply on 30 Nov 2021 by

Javascript code weird bug

Hi, I use a Javascript code to open a link in new tab when a button is clicked. I use this function: Open site function myFunction(){ window.ope...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Aug 2021 by

How to capture an image in java?

Hello, How to capture an image in java !! I wanted to have some clear explanations

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2021 by

About how to change chrome dino sprites

its not working

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jul 2021 by
Elena Keracheva  



Hello, Can you help me with my problem? I was asked to make a program using recursion that allows user to input an integer and outputs a certa...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Jul 2021 by

How calling vb function from java script in gizmox webgui application ?

Hi everyone, In my Gizmox Webgui application (vb code) I have: "Form1" containing an "HtmlBox1" control In the form I have the following function: ...

1 reply Last reply on 26 May 2021 by

Checkbox dans flexgrid avec vb6

Bonjour, Je cherche depuis plusieurs jours comment ajouter un CheckBox de vérification dans mon FlexGrid. J'ai ceci au début de Private Sub Form...

1 reply Last reply on 11 May 2021 by
David Webb  

Usb formatting

hello how do I format the Fat32 on flash drive

1 reply Last reply on 15 Mar 2021 by
David Webb  

Write a loop for following pattern

1 11 111 1111 1111 11111 11111

4 replies Last reply on 22 Dec 2020 by

Android studio problème attribut de la classe.

Bonjour tout le monde ! Voilà le code : Il a un souci avec card,comme si il ne le reconnaissait pas ça : ( pourtant c'est un attribut,je me trom...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Dec 2020 by
David Webb  

Recovery password

Hi , i need to recover my account , unfortunately i forgot my password and i can t acces my phone number beceause it's expired , is it by any chance a...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Oct 2020 by


Bonjour! je veux afficher les résultats d'une liste deroulante Liste 2 en fonction de mon choix établie en Liste 1 (VL1). en sachant que le valeur de...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Oct 2020 by
David Webb  

Structure d'une micro instruction

Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir comment fonctionne une multiplication de deux nombre entier naturel dans deux registres dictincts en micro instruction ( c'...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Sep 2020 by

Converting mysql varchar column to time

Hi All, I have a database with 2 columns which hold time values (usually in the hh:mm:ss format - see later in the post). Unfortunately during the ...

6 replies Last reply on 10 Sep 2020 by

A l'aide

Comment faire la capture d'une image en java !! Je voulais avoir quelles que explications claires

1 reply Last reply on 8 Sep 2020 by
David Webb  

Tv smart safety mode

Hi, Can smart TV be on through other mode after its programmed to lock on safety mode? Meaning, if my TV is on safety mode and its program is locked,...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Jul 2020 by
David Webb  

What is the diference?

What is the difference between the three choices, from basic to premium?

1 reply Last reply on 2 Jul 2020 by

Cant get sky after autorun on lgum7500) tv

Anybody know how mine comes via output rf cable from sky box to rf input on tv

4 replies Last reply on 12 May 2020 by

Lg smart tv subtitles

Can I only get subtitles on my lg smart tv if the broadcaster has recorded the program with subtitles

1 reply Last reply on 11 May 2020 by
David Webb  

Creation d'une table de nom variable dans mysql avec php

Salut. J'aimerai vous soumettre une requête dans l'espoir de finalement trouver une solution. Mon problème est le suivant: Je mets en place un forum...

1 reply Last reply on 2 May 2020 by


Hola amigos me gusta CCM

1 reply Last reply on 16 Apr 2020 by
David Webb  

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Hi, I program a small web site for my Golf Club For years I have used VS.PHP 3.8 to write and test the PHP code on my home co...

17 replies Last reply on 27 Feb 2020 by

Batch file script to print txt file with todays date


Hi, I have a folder with lot of TXT files with date. I want a batch script to print the txt file with todays date. Please someone help. Thanks...

2 replies Last reply on 23 Feb 2020 by

Devenir un hacker


bonjour ^¬^ J'ai lu récemment des documents sur les hackers et vu plusieurs films ( je parle des vrais hackers pas des crackers ou pirates ) et dep...

Last reply on 28 Jan 2020 by

Factorial number python

Hello, hi don't understand why this code doesn't give me the factorial number. somma = 0 i = 1 num = getInteger("Inserisci un numero e ti di...

2 replies Last reply on 3 Jan 2020 by

Music wont download

cant find the transfer on my control panel

2 replies Last reply on 25 Dec 2019 by
Results 1 - 50 out of a total of 1,831