The discussions

How to get password

where do i get password


Help with array formula

OK, so I have posted here a few times and everyone is very helpful and knowledgeable so I'll start off with a thank you in advance. What I'm doing is...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Jun by

Simple date subtraction excel


-It seems soo simple, yet I haven't been able to find the solution. I need to display a date that is five years in the past from today. -I tried a co...

4 replies Last reply on 6 Jun by

Concanating text using vlookup forumula

Hi, Anybody help me to suggest a formula .  Attached Sample file link Below: I am looking for formula at B11 .. it give...


Power query editor data source settings multiple users

-In power query editor, how can I make the file path dynamic? Multiple users need to be able to run the power query. But each file path will be differ...

1 reply Last reply on 28 May by

Add date function to this code


Hello all, I am looking to add a date function to cell J (or whatever column/cell I need it to be) after this code performs its actions.  Currently ...

13 replies Last reply on 21 May by

Where can i get the license for doctranslate software

Where can I get the license for doc translate software?  Thank you.


New version v-tools available?


v2016_183 was great, however is there a version for Access2021-64bits available?

2 replies Last reply on 29 Apr by

Download odbc drivers 64-bit for access


Hi, I need to download 64-bit ODBC drivers for Access Thanks

1 reply Last reply on 19 Apr by

How can i et product key for ms office 2019

Hello, Where can I find the product key for MS OFFICE 2019? Thankyou. Edith


Office 2010 product key?


What's office product key? 

2 replies Last reply on 12 Apr by

Double condition formula based on drop down selection

Hi All, I have an excel file with sheet names : Primary Data sheet, Ground floor, First Floor and readings. I need this file to capture printer usage...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Mar by

Tamil word to pdf converter


how to convert tamil word document to pdf document

2 replies Last reply on 19 Feb by

How can i start a spreadsheet at windows login.


Hello, How can i start a spreadsheet at Windows login. The normal simple way does not work. Thank you, Mondriaan

2 replies Last reply on 18 Feb by

Adding buttons to an excel spreadsheet.


Dear CCM Team, How do you add a button on a particular cell in an excel spreadsheet to turn it on and off. Example: If I want to add a column of nu...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Feb by

Pop up message in excel (like outlook agenda)


Hello, I have a big file in Excel with heaps of information about my customers. One of the coloms is telling me when I need to send them a letter....

3 replies Last reply on 5 Feb by

Automatically send emails from excel based on cell date

Hi All, Please help me anybody. I am suffering with sending email from excel automatically ..Please see attached screen shot for your reference :   ...

3 replies Last reply on 24 Jan by

Monthly production report -automatic transfer of data


Dear All, I am looking for a solution to generate monthly production analysis report of an operator for his daily production. Attached sample sheet...

10 replies Last reply on 2 Jan by

Copy data from one excel sheet to another: automatically

Dear All, Anybody help me to transfer the data from main database sheet to other sheets based on sheet name condition. i.e., The data from B6 to Q6 f...


Spacebar adding lines

spacebar adding lines under dots.  Dots equal spaces,, but lines don't go away when removing the character symbol in the ribbon.  Can't get rid of the...


If cell z2 contains a date, show 'yes' otherwise show no

Hello, I am trying to get my sheet to show a Yes Field when a date is entered. But a no field at any other input, weather thats 'n/a' or blank or any...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Dec 2023 by

Ms office 2010 activation key

How to use micro soft office 2023


Change phone number on email account

The phone number used for security on our email is not in srvi ce any more. How can we  change it?


How can i get prodoct key for office 2010

kindly help me to activate microsoft office 2010


Powerpoint problem

Hello, I can not save anything onto my powerpoints ,  I get the same window telling me either that it is a read only ( which I have changed each tim...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Nov 2023 by

Product key


Please where can I get the product key of Microsoft office 2010

1 reply Last reply on 9 Oct 2023 by

Print 1 document in a5 size - change doc size to a5


Hi, How do I get an A5 document for 1 project only - greetings card

1 reply Last reply on 2 Oct 2023 by

Change color of cell automatically

I am working on excel . want to change color of cell  automatically  as per color of another cell. Color of another cell changes automatic as per form...


Fill adjacent cell with number from text answer


Hello, and good morning, I have a cell with a dropdown box, to select a certain text. When I select the type of incident from a drop down ...

20 replies Last reply on 25 Aug 2023 by

Create folder in desktop with vba, if exist, ignore


Hello, How to create folder in desktop with vba whenever the excel book is opened, if exist, ignore. Message if create new folder, silent if th...

6 replies Last reply on 12 Aug 2023 by

Dependent (cascading) drop down list in excel


Dear All, Please help me on the below . I have a data validation drop down list with unique values in cell G2. These values are job numbers from C...

15 replies Last reply on 7 Aug 2023 by

Combine sheet in master spreadsheet with auto update


Hello, I have 24 sheets in the same Excel document with identical headers I`d like to combine in the master spreadsheet the way if any data is insert...

6 replies Last reply on 31 Jul 2023 by

Best pdf to png options?

Hello, We are looking for a pdf to png converter and have found the following tools online and we are wondering if anyone has used these and if so wh...

1 reply Last reply on 31 Jul 2023 by

Excel formula: ​ two financial year ends for one client

Hello, Thank you so much for putting time aside in helping me with the following formula. In Column O on the Main sheet, I do a VLOOKUP from the mas...


Copy data from one excel sheet to another: automatically


Dear all, Anybody can help me please. I have MAIN DATABASE ( sheet 1) of column names : Serial No, Service type, Job No, Date, Customer name, desc...

10 replies Last reply on 27 Jul 2023 by

How do i make all rows the default height in excel?


Hello, How do I make all rows the default height in Excel?

3 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2023 by

I have an external hdd that's a 500gb

My external has information that I dont want to lose  It keeps on saying "windows can't access the disk" or "A device which doesn't exist was specifi...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Jul 2023 by

How do i change the backgroud of a cell or a whole section?

Hello, I have a question. How do I change the backgroud of a cell or a whole section? I want to differentiate one set of data from anoter set based...

1 reply Last reply on 15 May 2023 by

How do i set the height of rows in excel all at once ?

Hello, How do I set the height of rows in Excel all at once instead of doing them one click at a time by clicking and dragging and dropping the indic...

1 reply Last reply on 15 May 2023 by

Excel macro to duplicate info based on value in another cell

I am creating a work book that has a range of cells (C6:E34) that are considered one "Location", and another cell (D5) to input the number of location...

1 reply Last reply on 15 May 2023 by

Copy and paste to internet creating whitespace problem


Hello, I created a body of text in Open Office Writer and tried to post it as a question on the website Less Wrong. A moderator rejected it for, as w...

1 reply Last reply on 8 May 2023 by

Date of birth number to words


Hello, 05/05/1981 How to write data of birth in word

2 replies Last reply on 26 Apr 2023 by

Multiple sheets to one master sheet update


Hello, We are a team of 8 who updates a single excel work sheet, and because of this, there is always information missing or overwritten by others et...

13 replies Last reply on 12 Apr 2023 by

How can i fix hotmail if it keeps freezing or crashing?


I am using Hotmail and now my Hotmail keeps freezing or crashing. Please suggest reasons and solutions for it.

2 replies Last reply on 3 Apr 2023 by

How not to show false in the following example.

Hello, I wish the formula to return a blank cell if there a blank cells in the formula. =IF(C27="BUY",((D30-D27)*10000),IF(C27="SELL",((D27-D30)*1000...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Mar 2023 by

How can i format multiple presentations automatically?


Hello, I have a lot of presentation and I want to format every ppt to the same font and rate automatically. How can I to do it?

1 reply Last reply on 12 Feb 2023 by

Drop down

Hello, I have a workbook with one main sheet and lots of rows to be filled. There is one column with a drop down with 3 selection. How can I copy ...

3 replies Last reply on 10 Feb 2023 by

Export video - no audio file

Hello, I want to generate a video from a pps with music/media file and it only takes it without that (media) file. It is a wave file and its size is ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Feb 2023 by

Create multiple workbooks with template at once

Hello, I'm being tasked with copying a single workbook with a special layout in it and copying it about 90 times with the file name corresponding to a...

4 replies Last reply on 16 Jan 2023 by

Adding last week position to a weekly record survey

Hello, I am compiling weekly record charts of the most popular records. How do I add the last week position to each song on each new record list in E...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jan 2023 by
Results 1 - 50 out of a total of 12,266