Macro comparing two columns

RoundOrange Posts 1 Registration date Monday May 25, 2009 Status Member Last seen May 26, 2009 - May 26, 2009 at 03:58 PM
mubashir aziz Posts 190 Registration date Sunday April 12, 2009 Status Member Last seen February 16, 2010 - May 28, 2009 at 04:43 AM
I am trying to compare two entire columns in excel, Column A and Column B. If any cell in column A= Lead and any corresponding cell in column B is > .01 – I would like for the numbers in the corresponding column B to turn red. I would also like for this to be easily changed to search for other criteria or encompass them all. I am not sure how to go about this problem and would greatly appreciate any advice.

3 responses

mubashir aziz Posts 190 Registration date Sunday April 12, 2009 Status Member Last seen February 16, 2010 166
May 28, 2009 at 02:00 AM
Do you mean to say that both adjacent cells in column A & B > 0.1 turn B Red ????? Mean if and(A1>.01,B1>.01) then make cell B1 Red . if any of the condition if false then do nothing ..... Even if they are equal then will not work ....

simply put this formula in Conditional Formatting =AND(A1>0.01,B1>0.01). Make sure you are in Cell B1 .... if you want to apply whole column then select first Cell in B column and by pressing Shit or any method selected the last select of B and apply this formula =AND(A1>0.01,B1>0.01)

Excelguru Posts 261 Registration date Saturday April 11, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 21, 2011 307
May 28, 2009 at 02:31 AM

Instead of a macro, try conditional formatting
Select cell B1 and apply conditional formatting with formula =and(A1="Lead",B1 > .01) and color formatting to Red

Do let me know If it helps...
mubashir aziz Posts 190 Registration date Sunday April 12, 2009 Status Member Last seen February 16, 2010 166
May 28, 2009 at 04:43 AM
Sorry my mistake just replace the >.01 in A1 with ="lead"


=AND(A1="Lead",B1 > .01)