Webcam domain and computer independence

youngken Posts 1 Registration date Friday October 14, 2016 Status Member Last seen October 14, 2016 - Oct 14, 2016 at 12:52 PM
 Blocked Profile - Oct 14, 2016 at 07:18 PM
I want to run a dog caring business.
My home has three empty rooms and I want to use the empty rooms to keep dogs for business.
Here is my plan:
A dog owner put his dog into my empty room when he has no time to take care his dog. Each room installing one webcam and stays one dog.
A dog owner can use his computer or mobile to watch his dog in the room anytime (or particular interval each day).
As a dog owner may only leave his dog for a few days, so the dog inside a room may change frequently.
I only have one computer and a router with 4 plugs.
Here is my question:
1. Shall I need to register 3 domains for 3 rooms in my case?
2. Can I assign a user name and password to my client to filter other people to enter my webcam domain / website for privacy?
3. After a owner has taken back his dog, my order finish. Can I delete his user name of that owner and assign another user name for my new client
4. Can I use one computer to set up 3 webcams?
5. Can my webcams be still working if I turn off my computer but not switch off my modem or router.
6. Can you tell we the brand ranking of webcsms
Thanks eveybody

1 response

Blocked Profile
Oct 14, 2016 at 07:18 PM
I will "bite" on this:

1. Shall I need to register 3 domains for 3 rooms in my case?

No, register one domain, and make sub domains(or applications) under it...I.E. or

2. Can I assign a user name and password to my client to filter other people to enter my webcam domain / website for privacy?

Yes, make each room accessible to specific users only! That is where the subdomains, or applications come in.

3. After a owner has taken back his dog, my order finish. Can I delete his user name of that owner and assign another user name for my new client

Yes. This would be mandatory!

4. Can I use one computer to set up 3 webcams?

This might be tricky! It depends on whether or not you can seperate each stream. You may to do some fancy high end subnetting, or supernetting! That is later.

5. Can my webcams be still working if I turn off my computer but not switch off my modem or router.

Probably NOT!

6. Can you tell we the brand ranking of webcsms

No, we have no opinion of that service.

All of this could be possible, and you could even host three Vservers on 3 VLANS if needed, but the PC would need at least 64GB of RAM!

I hope I have helped.

It's kind of fun to do the impossible! -Walter Elias Disney