Canon mp530 check cassett U052

Åsafreij - Updated by Ambucias on 2/01/17 at 05:13 PM
 Blocked Profile - Jan 3, 2017 at 06:27 PM
Hi, i have a canon printer mp530. And it give an error code message. To check cassett U052. But i don`t know what that stands for. I need support. Regards Åsa

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jan 3, 2017 at 06:27 PM
It sounds like a toner or a printer cartridge is out of ink or toner! Take the toner out, and shake it like mad person for about a minute. Put it back in, and try again. Once you start shaking, you have about 10 more prints in it. Then you will HAVE to purchase more toner or whatever medium your printer uses!