The Strange Reasons Why We Find Some People Attractive and Others Not

The Strange Reasons Why We Find Some People Attractive and Others Not

The saying goes that opposites attract, but what if it's actually the other way around?

When it comes to love and dating, there are many theories on what it is that attracts that us to someone. Is it appearance, hobbies, culture or something else? An older, and now outdated saying is that opposites attract and this is often portrayed in pop culture. However, a recent theory offers a different perspective: What if we're more attracted to people who look like us?

To prove this, a study organized thousands of speed dates and asked participants to rate the attractiveness of their dates. They found that people were more attracted to those who had similar facial features to their own.

But that's not all: there are certain times of the year when you're more likely to get lucky. Humans have annual patterns in hormone levels. For both men and women, testosterone levels peak in the fall. Since this hormone boosts libido in both sexes, people are more likely to feel attracted to others during this season. So if you are looking to find love, you may have better odds towards the end of the year. 

Additionally, studies have shown that men find women's bodies more attractive in winter because bulky clothing makes them less visible, leading more to the imagination. 

Another tip for attraction? Situations that trigger adrenaline also make you more attractive to potential partners. So, plan dates that involve activities like rock climbing, hiking, or surfing. If you want to rekindle the flame with your partner, this trick can help by planning sporty activities together.

If you're a woman, you might be interested to know that studies show men find you more attractive when you're ovulating. However, this doesn't apply to women who take birth control pills, as their hormone levels are more stable throughout the month.

Lastly, the myth that being drunk makes others look more attractive turns out to be false. According to studies, your perception of someone's appearance doesn't change before or after drinking alcohol. On the other hand, drinkers do feel more confident about their own looks after a few drinks!