Microfone not working!!

psixas88 - Nov 23, 2009 at 07:57 PM
 psixas88 - Nov 24, 2009 at 03:16 PM
my microfone is not working. i disabled the audio devises in the recording tab, in sound, in the control panel. iam running windows vista. i disabled the audio devises because i couldnt talk in skype and i thought if i disable it and then enable it again it might work but when i disabled the devise it was delided and now there it says that no audio devises are installed. does anyone know how can i install the audio devices in there so my microfone can work?where can i find them so i can install it again? any help would be appresiated. thanks.

1 response

closeup22 Posts 8922 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 2,099
Nov 24, 2009 at 12:32 PM
hi there,

if you dont have driver cd

then give the model of the pc

or download it from manufacturer website

thanks a lot. safe