Webcam problem

rob_hall Posts 2 Registration date Monday July 1, 2013 Status Member Last seen July 1, 2013 - Jul 1, 2013 at 01:01 AM
Zohaib R Posts 2368 Registration date Sunday September 23, 2012 Status Member Last seen December 13, 2018 - Jul 2, 2013 at 07:32 AM
my webcam is not responding, I can not use skype or video chatting

3 responses

Blocked Profile
Jul 1, 2013 at 02:14 AM
nice query..actually some more information is required to understand the it is inbuilt webcam or interface webcam..what ever may be the configuration (either inbuilt or external) be sure that you have installed the webcam drivers and webcam software....if you have installed every thing perfectly.. simply by just clicking on the webcam software icon you will get it enabled.
rob_hall Posts 2 Registration date Monday July 1, 2013 Status Member Last seen July 1, 2013
Jul 1, 2013 at 11:26 PM
thank you chandrra and Its a buildin webcam on my dell laptop.
Zohaib R Posts 2368 Registration date Sunday September 23, 2012 Status Member Last seen December 13, 2018 69
Jul 2, 2013 at 07:32 AM
Hi rob_hall,

Please download and install the "Dell Webcam Central" application from here. If the issue still persists after installing the application, please reply with the exact System Model Number of your Dell Laptop.

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