What is the first thing a person with Alzheimer's forgets?

What is the first thing a person with Alzheimer's forgets?

Alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disorder that slowly impedes memory and cognitive abilities. According to experts these are the first signs of Alzheimer's disease.

The National Institute on Aging in the United States refers to Alzheimer's disease as a brain disorder that slowly impedes a person's memory cognitive abilities, and over time, the ability to carry out simple tasks. Alzheimer's refers to a distinct form of dementia, a broad category that encompasses a range of symptoms that impact cognitive function. 

Health experts outline the different stages of this disease: mild, moderate and severe. In the mild stage individuals experience increased memory loss and cognitive challenges. This can manifest itself in wandering, difficulties with financial management, repetitive questioning, daily tasks taking longer than usual, and noticeable personality and behavioral shifts. Typically, it is during this initial phase that a diagnosis occurs. 

In the moderate stage of Alzheimer's, damage occurs in areas of the brain that are responsible for language, reasoning, conscious thought and sensory processing, affecting hearing and smell/taste detection. This gets worse with memory loss and confusion, with some individuals struggling to recognise loved ones. At this point individuals may struggle to learn new information, carry out tasks like getting dressed, or adapting to new situations. In the final stage, individuals are unable to communicate and are entirely reliant on others for care, alongside increased bodily deterioration. 


Unfortunately, this disease, which typically starts after age 60 and becomes more likely with family history, cannot be prevented. However, some medications can temporarily alleviate symptoms. Lifestyle changes, like a balanced diet and regular exercise, recommended by Mayo Clinic, may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

  • Regular exercise - The WHO recommends adults aim for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity weekly, with children and adolescents averaging 60 minutes daily.
  • Managing conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Healthy diet - Prioritize fresh foods, healthy oils, and low-saturated-fat options, such as the Mediterranean diet. However, consulting a health professional before starting any diet is essential to determine the best approach for individual needs.
  • Mental exercise - Stimulate cognitive function with educational games like puzzles, word searches, dominoes, or chess, or try solving a Sudoku puzzle daily.