She Thought She Saw a Giant Crocodile, but Was Left Speechless by What It Really Was

She Thought She Saw a Giant Crocodile, but Was Left Speechless by What It Really Was

A Florida woman and her daughter saw what they thought was a giant crocodile until they looked closer at the photos.

In Florida, where wildlife sightings are not uncommon, Renee Aland and her daughter Zoey Marzonie had an experience that left them both stunned and intrigued.

As the pair drove along a seemingly ordinary road, they spotted what looked like a massive crocodile and decided to get a closer look. According to Ladbible, Renee was immediately struck by the creature's enormous size. Zoey, equally amazed, insisted on taking some photos of the impressive animal. 

The creature roamed along the roadside, and Zoey wanted to get a closer look. However, Renee, cautious and a bit fearful, decided to approach the animal herself. Carefully concealed, she pulled out her cell phone to document the encounter. It was then, as she observed the animal's distinctive tongue, that she realized they were not looking at a crocodile at all, instead it was a giant monitor lizard.


"It was really cool; I had never seen anything like it before," Renee told Ladbible after sharing the video on her Facebook account. "But my concern is what it's doing to our native wildlife. Obviously, they are quite voracious, so I can't imagine they are good for our ecosystem."

Further investigation by the Florida Wildlife Commission confirmed that the creature was a monitor lizard, specifically a Varanus panoptes. These lizards, which can grow up to 1.5 meters, are known in this part of North America and are sometimes kept as pets.

Despite their intimidating size, monitor lizards are not typically aggressive unless they feel threatened. They feed on a diet of fish, frogs, snakes, and rodents. Experts noted that while they are a part of the ecosystem, their presence raises questions about their impact on native wildlife.

Monitor lizards are not only found in Florida but also in diverse habitats across the globe. They seek protection in forests, jungles, and other areas with dense vegetation, thriving in regions like Australia, Africa, and parts of South America. Their impressive size and appearance often lead to mistaken identity as crocodiles.