Here's Why You Should Put a Toilet Paper Roll in Your Fridge

As odd as it sounds, placing a toilet paper roll in your refrigerator is a great idea. This simple trick can help eliminate bad odors and save you money!
Your refrigerator, an essential kitchen appliance, needs constant upkeep. If you neglect it, there could be serious consequences to your health with the build up of mold and bad smells. Excess moisture also causes your fridge to use more electricity, which quickly impacts your energy bill with rising energy costs.
When cleaning a fridge many people's go to, is to use deodorants or baking soda to combat these issues. Few people know that a simple toilet paper roll can effectively and economically solve these problems. At first, this tip may seem strange or absurd. But this method could change how you manage odors and moisture in your fridge.
Toilet paper has amazing absorbent properties due to its "cellulose wadding" composition. Placed in the fridge, it acts like a sponge, absorbing excess moisture that promotes bacterial and mold growth. By regulating humidity, the toilet paper roll helps maintain a drier, healthier environment in the fridge, reducing unpleasant odors.
That's not the only benefit! A less humid fridge works more efficiently because excessive moisture forces the appliance to use more electricity to maintain the desired temperature. Reducing humidity with a toilet paper roll can help save energy. Less condensation means less frost on the walls, improving energy efficiency and potentially extending your refrigerator's lifespan. It's also wise to place a roll in the freezer, as its absorbent properties will prevent frost and ice buildup.
To try this tip, simply place an unused toilet paper roll in a corner of your fridge. Change it regularly, about once a month or whenever it becomes saturated with moisture. You'll quickly notice an improvement in odor without using chemicals and a reduction in your electricity bill.
Using toilet paper in the fridge isn't the only way to eliminate bad odors. You can also use baking soda, lemon, coffee grounds, or a cork. Finally, an alternative to toilet paper would be kitchen roll, although it's larger size could be restricting. Don't forget, this method doesn't replace regular cleaning of your appliance!