This Affordable Household Cleaner Eliminates Bed Bugs in 24 Hours

This Affordable Household Cleaner Eliminates Bed Bugs in 24 Hours

Research have found a cheap household product that can eliminate bed bugs. It is natural, and non toxic and kills pests in record time, but is it too good to be true?

Bed bugs have become a growing problem in many U.S. households, causing significant physical and psychological distress. These tiny, nearly invisible insects lead to itching, insomnia, and stress, and they reproduce rapidly, making them difficult to control.

While professional treatments can be costly and often require multiple visits, they don't always guarantee complete eradication. Many people are searching for effective, natural, and budget friendly solutions to tackle this problem.

It turns out that a common product likely already in your cupboards stands out: Fuller's Earth. Researchers from the University Hospital of Nice, France, found that this natural clay is highly effective against bed bugs, with just three minutes of exposure being enough to kill them. 

Traditionally this type of clay is used to remove stains and absorb odors, this household cleaner absorbs up to 80% of its weight in water, giving it impressive disinfectant properties. Because it's natural and non toxic, it offers a safe alternative to the harsh chemicals often used to combat bed bugs. Typically, people rely on chemical insecticides or mechanical methods like high temperature washing, steaming, brushing, and vacuuming to eliminate these pests.

Using Fuller's Earth is easy: simply sprinkle it on affected areas like mattresses and bed frames, let it sit for a few minutes, then vacuum or brush away the residue before using mechanical methods. Make sure to cover all potential hiding spots, such as baseboards, wooden slats, and bed legs. Missing even one area could allow these pests to multiply.

Additionally, clay has a cross contamination effect, meaning once a bed bug is exposed, it can contaminate and kill others. The study also noted the effectiveness of similar products like silica dioxide and diatomaceous earth, though these can be hazardous if inhaled.

This affordable and natural solution offers a promising alternative to relying solely on harsh chemicals to get rid of bed bugs. If the problem persists after trying this method, then consider professional intervention.