Fancy Salt or Cheap Salt? Expert Reveals What's Better

Fancy Salt or Cheap Salt? Expert Reveals What's Better

Is inexpensive salt worse than expensive salt? A consumer expert provides answers.

Salt is a staple in kitchens across the world, essential for bringing out flavors in our favorite dishes. But not all salts are the same. Martin Dunkelmann, A food journalist, has investigated the variety of salts on the market, from everyday table salt to luxurious gourmet options, uncovering surprising differences along the way.

Salts differ in both appearance and texture, though these differences may not always be obvious. The investigation looked at table salt, rock salt, sea salt, and the high end fleur de sel. Table salt remains the most popular and is also the cheapest, costing just pennies per ounce.

Cheap vs. Expensive Salt: What's the Difference?

Dunkelmann tested five different salts and came to a surprising conclusion, to him "they all taste the same." This isn't shocking, considering that over 95% of salt, whether cheap or expensive, is just sodium chloride. But on the pricier end, Bora Bora Champagne salt, was highlighted, which sells for a staggering $60 for just 3.5 ounces. "It has a sweet, subtle aroma," he notes, though its price is thousands of times higher than regular table salt.

Why the high cost? Bora Bora Champagne salt is harvested by hand on the remote island of Bora Bora, then refined in France with actual champagne. This is typical of more expensive salts which have labor intensive processes that raise the price

Expert Advice: Is Expensive Salt Worth It?

Dunkelmann consulted Jana Fischer from the Hamburg Consumer Center to see if pricey salts are truly worth it. Fischer's take is clear: all salts, regardless of cost, are mostly sodium chloride. When it comes to seasoning, the differences are minimal. Even when you take "special" salts like Himalayan salt, which is often promoted for its supposed health benefits, it's mostly just marketing

In the end, choosing between a budget friendly salt and a gourmet variety is a personal preference. The core makeup of salt is essentially the same, and even affordable options can deliver in both taste and quality. So before splurging on artisanal salts, remember that how you use it matters more than how much you spend.