MakeHuman is a 3D computer graphics middleware. It is used for the prototyping of photorealistic humanoids.
What are the key features of MakeHuman?
- Creating 3D images: MakeHuman's main goal is to create 3D. Users are offered multiple human models (head, body, legs and more). They can choose the haircut and the color of the person, its size, teeth, etc that is to say, the whole body.
- Preview module: to see if the image created is what we want or it still requires some adjustments, MakeHuman offers a preview module. This option will then allow users to view in real time their works.
- Interface: you can surely think that the creation of 3D images is a tedious task requiring expertise in this area. The application has over 3000 different parameters to create a very original character.
- Compatibility: to improve the modeling, the program can work with other applications to make the 3D human as realistic as possible.

Is it free?
You can download and use this software for free. There is also a version for Linux.