MP32Tube allows users to download MP3 files from YouTube. This program is developed by Cavi Studio.
Note: The publisher's website is closed and the software is no longer supported. We recommend that you consider using an alternative tool, such as Music Downloader & Player.
What are the key features of MP32Tube?
- YouTube account: all YouTube account owners know that uploading videos and files therein requires the creation of a login. In fact, with MP32Tube, they can use their own account or a default one in order to upload files.
- Upload: MP32Tube is a program that is simple to handle. In fact, only three steps are enough to achieve the upload. First, the user must select the background image, then the file in question, and finally click on the "Upload" button.
- Portable: MP32Tube can be carried out on a removable device, a USB key, or other external devices. It does not require any installation to work. The processes to follow remain the same as on a computer.

Is it free?
You can download and use this software for free.