Clue is a full-featured women's health app that can help you track periods, ovulation, and pregnancy. With it, you can take care of your reproductive health and control all your symptoms and patterns to live a better stress-free life. Set reminders for fertility days or birth control pills to never be surprised by periods or unwanted pregnancies.
What are the key features of Clue?
- Period and ovulation tracker: Clue keeps track of your periods, ovulation, PMS, and fertility days and gives you accurate predictions for upcoming cycles and recurring symptoms. You can note how you are feeling, your flow, and your mood swings to know your body better.
- Reminders: You can set up birth control pill reminders to not forget to take it.
- Cycle analysis: You can observe your cycle lengths, and trends and see if something goes wrong and you need to see a doctor.
- Learn: The app contains a built-in health encyclopedia that you can explore and read to learn more about your body and its reactions.
- Fertility friend: Fertility advice and predictions from the app can help you get pregnant if you are trying to conceive.
- Pregnancy calculator: This feature will help you to take track of your pregnancy, see your due date, and how the baby grows inside you. You can track any pregnancy symptoms, baby movements, and much more. This can be a handy add-on to necessary gynecologist appointments.

How does Clue work?
Clue works as a fertility, ovulation, periods, and pregnancy calendar with many additional features mentioned above. You can use it to track your symptoms and feelings and be aware of what’s going on in your body.
Is it free?
Clue is free to download but the subscription costs $0.99 per month or $9.99 per 1 year.
Is it safe?
Clue is considered quite accurate and safe.
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