Wireless Webcam as System Camera
Registration date
Friday December 15, 2017
Last seen
December 15, 2017
Dec 15, 2017 at 03:49 PM
Blocked Profile - Dec 15, 2017 at 08:21 PM
Blocked Profile - Dec 15, 2017 at 08:21 PM
- Wireless Webcam as System Camera
- Why is my snapchat camera sideways - Guide
- Download webcam for windows 7 - Download - Other
- Wireless keyboard won't type - Guide
- Webcam toy - Download - Image editing
- Hp camera not working - Guide
Dec 15, 2017 at 04:56 PM
My specific use case is to use the camera with a browser running "apps" like Hangouts which is Google's conferencing software based on WebRTC.
Therefore the browser needs to see the camera as a "system device". We could used WiFi or Bluetooth to accomplish this though would prefer WiFi as it is slightly more ubiquitous.
Regarding "Can the PC broadcast?" Yes, BUT again, the broadcasting would be be handled by the WebApp NOT the camera or custom camera software.
Dec 15, 2017 at 05:03 PM
You should look into FLASH, or something like that, as it has built in camera controls! As for moving the camera, does your manufacturer offer an API (application programming interface) for "hooking" into the camera?
Updated on Dec 15, 2017 at 08:19 PM
I think possibly you have misunderstood me. I am not looking to develop a hangouts app.
I am happy with Hangouts. Right now it captures the video from my laptops built in camera OR if I connect a USB WebCam, it uses that video. GREAT! But now I would simply like to swap out the "traditional" USB camera for a "wireless" camera.
Because Hangouts, in reality the browser in which it runs, will take the video from a system registered device (traditionally wired USB). I am looking for a camera which connects wirelessly BUT ends up looking the same as a wired camera to the OS and therefore to the browser.
An example might be the following: XXXX
However the reviews are quite poor. This particular device uses a purely hardware based solution to be wireless. The "wireless" communications are between a USB dongle and the camera. For the PC the camera is actually "wired".
This is an acceptable solution provided of course it works well. I could also imagine other manufacturers with an IP based camera having drivers which capture the video from the IP and then pipe it into the USB stack allowing the PC to see it as any other "wired" USB device.
Do you know of any WebCam that uses Bluetooth + driver(?), IP + driver, WiFi + driver or even USB dongle, to allow for a "wire free" device to be seen as a system device?
Dec 15, 2017 at 08:21 PM
What STACK do you wish for this device to operate on? Perhaps you have your layers wrong?