Reinstall problem

dizzeh - Jun 2, 2009 at 09:42 AM
 dizzeh - Jun 2, 2009 at 09:58 AM

My PC keeps freezing after 5 seconds everytime I turn it on ,so I have inserted the XP CD-Rom to try and reinstall it and that freezes after 5 seconds too , it gets as far as ' press and key to boot from CD' and then freezes , does anyone know what is causing this or how I can get the pc to complete the reinstallation process? I can even look at the BIOS settings because it freezes as soon as I select DEL and go to the setup utility screen!!!! someone please HELP!!!

1 response

provock Posts 31 Registration date Monday December 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen June 18, 2009 3
Jun 2, 2009 at 09:51 AM
Hye... you can solve this problem without having to re-install windows. Just disconnect all USB devices from your pc, boot on safe mode! if the problem persists load your Bios to default settings!

Hi Provock

I have tried this but I cant change any settings ect because it still keeps freezing after around 5 seconds no matter what I do!!