Python Hangman Game Program Error

gulshan212 Posts 5 Registration date Monday November 28, 2022 Status Member Last seen April 25, 2023 - Updated on Apr 21, 2023 at 01:20 PM
 seogbtools - Jun 18, 2023 at 08:57 AM

Hello this is Gulshan Negi

Well, I am writing a program for Hangman Game in python but it shows some error at the time of execution. I also checked and took a reference from here but I don't know what I am missing in coding. Can anyone give their suggestions on this.

Here is my source code: 

import random
import time
import os

def play_again():
  question = 'Do You want to play again? y = yes, n = no \n'
  play_game = input(question)
  while play_game.lower() not in ['y', 'n']:
      play_game = input(question)

  if play_game.lower() == 'y':
      return True
      return False

def hangman(word):
  display = '_' * len(word)
  count = 0:
  limit = 5:  
  letters = list(word)
  guessed = []
  while count < limit:
      guess = input(f'Hangman Word: {display} Enter your guess: \n').strip()
      while len(guess) == 0 or len(guess) > 1:
          print('Invalid input. Enter a single letter\n')
          guess = input(
              f'Hangman Word: {display} Enter your guess: \n').strip()

      if guess in guessed:
          print('Oops! You already tried that guess, try again!\n')

      if guess in letters:
          index = word.find(guess)
          display = display[:index] + guess + display[index + 1:]

          count += 1
          if count == 1:
              print('   _____ \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
              print(f'Wrong guess: {limit - count} guesses remaining\n')

          elif count == 2:
              print('   _____ \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
              print(f'Wrong guess: {limit - count} guesses remaining\n')

          elif count == 3:
              print('   _____ \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
              print(f'Wrong guess: {limit - count} guesses remaining\n')

          elif count == 4:
              print('   _____ \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     O \n'
                    '  |      \n'
                    '  |      \n'
              print(f'Wrong guess: {limit - count} guesses remaining\n')

          elif count == 5:
              print('   _____ \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     | \n'
                    '  |     O \n'
                    '  |    /|\ \n'
                    '  |    / \ \n'
              print('Wrong guess. You\'ve been hanged!!!\n')
              print(f'The word was: {word}')

      if display == word:
          print(f'Congrats! You have guessed the word \'{word}\' correctly!')

def play_hangman():
   print('\nWelcome to Hangman\n')
   name = input('Enter your name: ')
   print(f'Hello {name}! Best of Luck!')
   print('The game is about to start!\nLet\'s play Hangman!')
   os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

   words_to_guess = [
       'january', 'border', 'image', 'film', 'promise', 'kids',
       'lungs', 'doll', 'rhyme', 'damage', 'plants', 'hello', 'world'
   play = True
   while play:
       word = random.choice(words_to_guess)
       play = play_again()

   print('Thanks For Playing! We expect you back again!')

if __name__ == '__main__':


2 responses


It seems like there are a few errors in your Hangman game code.

  • Syntax Error: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The lines where you define the variables count and limit have a colon (:) at the end instead of an equal sign (=). It should be count = 0 and limit = 5 respectively.
  • Indentation Error: ​​​​​​​The lines after defining the variables count and limit should be indented properly to be inside the hangman function. Make sure to indent the following lines so that they are correctly nested within the function.

Here is the corrected code:

import random
import time
import os

def play_again():
  question = 'Do you want to play again? y = yes, n = no \n'
  play_game = input(question)
  while play_game.lower() not in ['y', 'n']:
      play_game = input(question)

  if play_game.lower() == 'y':
      return True else:
      return False def hangman(word):
  display = '_' * len(word) count = 0 limit = 5 #

Rest of your code...

Please review these changes and run your code again. If you encounter any further errors or issues, feel free to ask for additional assistance.

Well, problem was with count function and now it has been resolved. I also took its reference from here which help me a lot. 
