Please help immidiately

mariam - Nov 11, 2009 at 11:34 PM
nomadcrys Posts 195 Registration date Tuesday November 18, 2008 Status Member Last seen January 29, 2010 - Nov 12, 2009 at 03:19 PM
how are you? good day,
madam i just want to ask you if it is still possible to open my friendster account even though i didn't make an email address for it, i was about to make an email add for it but suddenly my friendster account did'nt opened..i dont know if it is being hacked or whatever..because that time i was in an internet cafe.. i really want my friendster account back.. could you help me please..
i'll wait for your reply.. or email me..thank you.. :)

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Nov 12, 2009 at 03:11 AM
Dear Mariam,

It is impossible to create a Friendster acount without having an email account.

Please explain explain clearly the matter so that we can understand the situation

better and bring to you a proper solution.

nomadcrys Posts 195 Registration date Tuesday November 18, 2008 Status Member Last seen January 29, 2010 48
Nov 12, 2009 at 03:19 PM
You can still send a mail to friendster customer care, they will sure help you find a way to get your account back.