I want to khnow how bloked me :(

abo ali - Aug 29, 2008 at 04:51 PM
 xxxxxxxxxx - Oct 31, 2008 at 12:16 PM
i must khnow becouse i have problem with my love

2 responses

Hello hun. I can't really help you with programs that tell you who blocks you because they do not work and are not the most ethical things in the world... but I am a woman and if she blocked you, the best thing to do is leave her alone, every move you make is gonna make it worse.
No matter the case, move on, have your life full and let her be. You do not REALLY want someone who doesn't want you. And if she DOES come back you will give her horrible stalkerish vibes if you dwell on her needing space.

And the good thing about realizing you don't want someone who does not like you, is it's very attractive the the opposite sex. Hope that helps

who blocked me in MSN?