XP / Vista Network

jonnymcv - Aug 30, 2008 at 03:41 PM
 APPLE - Sep 30, 2009 at 08:01 PM

Here's the problem. I have a desktop running XP SP3, which has a wireless router connected via ethernet cable. I'm looking to find out how I can connect a Vista Laptop to this wirelessly with file / printer sharing enabled.

5 responses

If you are running vista home basic you cannot network with xp. if it is premium or better. just enable admin$ shres, and run the network setup wizard in xp. reboot and your folders are good to go.
new but noticed this on the blog. I just bought a Acer laptop with Vista Home. The laptop is wireless and connected to my lan that much is working. I have XP on a desktop and have a cable modem and then a router. Trying to build a network but having trouble. I am not a computer geru but fiddle a lot. All I started out doing was trying to be able to print off the printer connected to my desk top. Now I am knee deep in setting up a home network. Any advice.
I have a Netgear wireless router on my broadband connection, XP SP3 desktop hardwired via ethernet and am trying to add a new wireless Asus Vista laptop. After getting the 'physical' wireless connection sorted to the router [eg SSID, Security & channel] I was able to connect the laptop through the router to the Internet but couldn't see the desktop although I thought I had set up the workgroup and sharing settings correctly.

The next issue I found is Vista's Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) which is not in XP. There was a MS update download (KB922120) issued in 2006 for SP2 and it was supposed to be included in SP3 but it wasn't. I found a MS Hotfix for adding LLTD to XP3 at the top of the https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/922120 page - NB don't steam on down the page to the 'Resolution' section because that's the old SP2 fix - get the Hotfix from the link right under the title at the top - you'll have to assume all risk, wait for an email with passwords, download, unzip and then install. It worked for me so I could now see my XP desktop system from the Vista but no files inside it.

Then I found another site which suggested that to see files under XP from Vista you need an Administrator account on the Vista machine with the same Username and password as the user account on the XP machine. This worked for me at last yesterday evening but tonight I've gone backwards and can't see the files but I've been fiddling. I'll just have to fiddle some more.

Hope this helps
Make sure your router has wireless turned on, note your SSID and WEP key, and then on your Vista laptop in control panel click on network connections. Check wireless networks (make sure your wireless card is turned on, I spend 2 days trying to figure out why I couldn't find my network and I hadn't pushed the wireless network button on the Acer laptop to turn it on :( ) Right click on the wireless adapter, select properties, click on wireless networks and set the SSID if not there, enter the WEP key and you should then be able to view your shared folders.
Hope this helps.
sorry CJ, but thats only for connecting... its too complicated. i cant figure it out either!
Alright "God of PC's" If we're all so dumb and you're some genius... tell us in layman's terms how to network Vista with XP.

I've got a desktop with Vista Home Premium.

It's connected directly to the wireless router via ethernet cable.

I have a laptop with XP (wifi turned on)

Both computers connect to the network... Neither see each other on the network.

I've been looking around and haven't found any clear, cut-and-dry way to @#$% network these computers together and file share.
Ensure that your networks workgroups have the same name. MSHOME for instance is the default in XP. It should be set to the same in Vista.
I have almost the same issue,

Laptop has Built in Wifi ( Windows Vista Home Premium ) Intel Pro........
Computer has connected through Wireless USB device. TP-Link TL-WN821N ( Windows Xp SP3 )

both connected to a wireless router internet works fine..

am trying to connect through Adhoc network but..................

I cant see any shared files/folders/drives on network but I can see adhoc network connected, if I assign both xp and vista ip address like doesn't work , then i tried vice versa as well, also tried on XP and Vista side only but changing ip address to static dynamic not making any difference. Both has the same work-group name.

Please guide me step by step how to setup adhoc network to shares files in between these two computers wireless. I read through loads of forum and set-up network accordingly but still no sucess yet? please help.

I have just encountered this maze. One more reason not to have VISTA. XP is sufficient. You should have a choice to have XP or VISTA when you buy these machines.
In reading all the issues in dealing with just trying to get 2 simple computers to connect, it seams Bill Gates went backwards. Vista should be able to connect to XP without all this crap that you have to discover.
I have no resolution for anyone except maybe Apple sounds better all the time !