BootingLinux from CD?

Steven75 - Jan 29, 2008 at 06:22 AM
lazkike Posts 447 Registration date Thursday September 9, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen December 14, 2013 - Feb 14, 2008 at 03:13 AM
Ok, so I’m using my dad’s computer and my dad loves XP…
But I want to try Linux, more specifically pcLinux 2007 (
I know that now many versions of Linux have a feature called live CD wich I think is two thumbs up.
So if I burn the ISO of pcLinux2007 to disc (with isoBURN), put it in my computer and restart it, will it instantly run in Linux using the live CD?
And if I download something through Linux will I be able to access it when come back to Windows?
When I restart my computer and I take the Linux disc out will it go back to windows XP with all the stuff I have on here still on including the stuff I did downloaded with Linux?
Will I be able to use programs like my games and Opera web browser in Linux?

Basically, I want to use Linux and my dad wants to use XP but I dont want to get rid of XP or the stuff on XP but I don’t want to download something using Linux and it disappearing when I revert back to XP. I just want to be able to use Linux when I use the disc and, when I take it out, come back to XP again and my dad wouldn’t notice any change

Is this how it works or are there complications? Any help on the subject is welcome…!

3 responses

lazkike Posts 447 Registration date Thursday September 9, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen December 14, 2013 9
Jan 30, 2008 at 02:27 AM
Hello Steven
You have totally right about the live CD. This why live CD exist. You just boot on live CD and everything is loaded in the RAM. nothing is written on the Hard Disk. Usually, you use Live CD in order to testing if the Linux could work on your PC configuration.

If you want to use with games and download something using linux. I suppose It could be possible, but you have to keep a part of your hard disk free for linux.
You have to divide your hard disk into two parts (what is the name in English please?) one part for XP and the other part for Linux. The second part could be for downloading stuff with linux. Or if you have an external hard disk, you can use it when you download with linux.

But, I have to notice something: If you have to configure your Ethernet card for connecting internet (for example, or anything else). You will have to do it each time you boot from live CD. This not very comfortable ...

I hope I was clear enough...
Are you to new to this business to create partition and dual boot on a machine? If the answer is yes, use vmware it will let you emulate any OS on your XP.
[Dal] Posts 6204 Registration date Tuesday September 14, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen February 27, 2025 31
Feb 7, 2008 at 07:40 AM

Just a few clarifications.

lazkike: Live Disks allow you to save the configuration either to a hard disk of the host (the computer you are using), or another media (USB key). Also, there is no need to create a new partition to save data from the Live Disk onto the host disk. You just have to remount it with write permission (as it is mounted read-only by default to avoi any accidental changes to the host disk).

smartass: why should Steven75 use vmware under Windows iif all he wants is using a Live Disk? Of course, your recommendation makes sense, in turn, if Steven75 would like to try setting up a full installation of Linux without risk of damaging the host.

Steven75: the Windows games will not work under Windows, unless you use an emulator such as Wine (free software) or Crossover (commercial giving better results) or a virtual machine (but that doesn't make much sense if you are on a Live Disk - just reboot under Windows).

[Dal] Posts 6204 Registration date Tuesday September 14, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen February 27, 2025 31
Feb 7, 2008 at 09:03 AM
the Windows games will not work under Windows

Sorry, I meant "will not work under Linux", of course (although with Windows, you never know :-P).

lazkike Posts 447 Registration date Thursday September 9, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen December 14, 2013 9
Feb 14, 2008 at 03:13 AM
thank you for your clarification ! I have never tried Live CD cause I thought I was unable to save the configuration or some files on the host Hard drive . Good news !!!! hmmm !!!