Error messages when printer turned on

matt - Jan 12, 2010 at 06:04 PM
 Matt - May 26, 2010 at 04:55 PM
Hello, I have a new epson stylus SX110/TX110. When I turn on the machine it makes funny noises then the error lights for paper, ink start flashing. When I turn off the printer then turn on again - it may or may not work properly. Sometimes I have to turn off then on again several times.

1 response

There is a strong possibility that there is a small piece of paper jammed in the sensor, which is creating the error. I had a similar issue with my old printer and it wasn't until I unhooked it, and cleaned out the paper reservoir (using canned air) that my printer began to work again.

The other possibility is that the ink cartrigde is 'gummed' up or dried out