
l0808 - May 21, 2008 at 07:27 PM
 kyepye - Aug 12, 2008 at 12:32 PM
could you please tell me if the sites www.wizatrans.co.uk and www.quality-atvx.com are legitimate as i have no idea how to check
Thank you

2 responses


I was woundering if you could find out if the website www.quality-atvx.com is legitimate as i do not know how to find out if they are and i dont want to get conned by them.

hi mark, am worried myself about that as i have ordered a quad and have not heard from them, and now the wizatrans web page has gone, if you find out please let me know
mark > kyepye
Jun 2, 2008 at 02:30 PM
hi damian
i have done some digging around and come to the conclusion that quality atvx are scammers.they say you have to pay the price of the quad and the shipping to the shipping company . i have asked someone that does ship goods into the uk and they say you only pay the shipping company the price of the shipping. i think that quality atvx are the shipping company and thats how they get you to think that it is safe because the shipping company only pass your money to quality atvx when you get your quad the quad will never arrive but they have already got your money. well thats my opinion hope im wrong for your sake damion if you here anything let me know regards matk
Scam with a capital S !!!
If its sounds too good to be true, IT IS !! I would stay away.
hi johnny
just got your email through, have you been scammed with them too, if so what have you done about it cos the police dont seem to be doing much about it for me.