Copy Info From Multiple Worksheets to New Worksheet, No Macro

CKins - Nov 15, 2016 at 03:21 PM
yg_be Posts 23405 Registration date Sunday June 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen December 20, 2024 - Nov 17, 2016 at 03:56 PM

I need to use conditional formatting/formulas to import cells of a certain value from multiple worksheets, into a new worksheet. I don't think(?) macro is an option as this is viewed and updated multiple times daily by multiple users/PC's and needs to be live as well as maintain old entries. I would like for ONLY the cells which qualify to be imported, as opposed to showing up blank or as #VALUE, but it seems this might not be possible without a macro. Incorporating an automatic hide would be excellent if this is possible. Sorry, relatively new to this...

Worksheet 1 "New Members" - Worksheet 2 - "Current Members" Worksheet 3 "Service Tracker"

I need the cells (membership number, C13) from "New Members" and "Current Members" that contain the qualifier "Service Booked" (J13) to be imported into "Service Tracker" worksheet. I have used the following formula to get the information from "New Members" into "Service Tracker" successfully, but when I try to nest the formula incorporating the "Current Members" worksheet, I'm not successful.

Here is what works for the one worksheet:

=IF(FIND("Service Booked",'New Members'!J13)<>0,'New Members'!C13,"")

Can someone help me see how to successfully incorporate the second worksheet to this formula/go about this a better way in terms of formula composition, and if possible how to skip importing unneeded cells/import in white font/auto hide unneeded cells in this same formula?

I know this would be easier with a macro, but correct me if I'm wrong, I think I'm stuck with formulas? TIA!

1 response

yg_be Posts 23405 Registration date Sunday June 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen December 20, 2024 5
Nov 17, 2016 at 03:56 PM
Do you want to describe what you are actually attempting to achieve?
You are describing a possible solution, but you do not explain the problem.