Andriod Virus, HELP!!!

LaptopLinux - Jun 18, 2012 at 03:26 AM
 Laptoplinux - Jun 18, 2012 at 10:10 PM
Hi, I have an andriod smartphone, it has been playing up a lot lately. Origionally programs would keep re-loading themselves after you kill them, (Like Radio, music ect) and if you gave them an hour then they would stop. However recently the phone began to show that a song was still playing (The same song every time) even though it wasn't and sometimes you could have the song playing twice at once, so to stop the problem I restarted the phone, however when I re-started it, the problem was fixed, however there was more problems then that. These current problems include
- Before I restarted the WI-FI was on even though I never turned it on.
- The screen that appears when the power button is held for a few seconds, instead of being 3 choises (Airplane mode, shutdown and silent) )there is now only Shutdown
- Lock screens are missing
- Lock screens are only enabled when airplane mode is activated manualy, and dis-appear when mode is turned off
- NO message tone
- Shutdowns don't fix the new problem, they stay the same.

If you know how to fix the problem please let me know!
Thanks in advance!

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jun 18, 2012 at 04:07 AM

You can get removal tools for virus on Android platform using link below:

Thanks anyway, but I ended up doing a factory reset...