Using attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* I could not wipe the attributes of my externa

jwtingley Posts 1 Registration date Sunday December 23, 2018 Status Member Last seen December 23, 2018 - Dec 23, 2018 at 07:13 AM
 Blocked Profile - Dec 26, 2018 at 04:32 PM

Following the advise in, I was not able to wipe the attributes of my files. Access was denied.

Is there anything else I can do to regain control of my files. I have a DVD recorder that records in .MP4, but I can only access (see) the files from the recorder. My computer shows the files (when I connect the HDD to the PC) but I cannot run any of them, nor can I copy or move them onto my computer.

I would like to clear the HDD of files and place them on my PC and watch them from there, but so far I have not been successful.

I have looked at the registry and I have also gone to the Group Policy (gpedit.msc) and disactivated the NoSecurityTab (the security tab does not appear on this HDD when I click on properties) so I cannot change the permissions from the File Explorer.

I am working on Windows 8.1 and it is a 64 bit. I believe that is all.

Thank you.

1 response

Blocked Profile
Dec 26, 2018 at 04:32 PM
MOre than likely the recorder has Rights to them.

Go into File Explorer, and right click over the folder, and select Properties. Click on the Security tab, and click advanced. At the top of that new dialogue, Next to the OWENR name, click Change. Select your self as the owner, and hit apply. POst back with results (or revert as some say, even though that really means go back, not come back! Whatever!)

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