Collect data from drop-down list from multiple workbooks.

Natasyamn Posts 4 Registration date Monday April 14, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 17, 2014 - Apr 16, 2014 at 04:15 AM
Natasyamn Posts 4 Registration date Monday April 14, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 17, 2014 - Apr 17, 2014 at 11:35 PM

I have a question. Let say, I have workbook 1 (WB1), workbook 2 (WB2) and workbook 3 (WB3). All basically are the same workbook, just that I give WB1 to Person A, WB2 to Person B and WB3 to Person C. These workbooks contain the same set of questions that they need to choose the answer from the drop-down list that I've prepared.
So, my question. Is it possible to collect the data according to the choices into one big data without having to count them one by one? Like question 1, 2 persons choose answer 1 and one person choose answer 3. Question 2, 3 so on..

is this possible?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Apr 16, 2014 at 04:22 PM
To answer your question in a sentance, "yes, with software only physical things are limited".

Have you ever constructed a drop down in a VB form before? You really have to manually and statically construct a drop down first. This way, you have an example to reverse engineer.

So, let us know where you are stuck, OK?

Natasyamn Posts 4 Registration date Monday April 14, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 17, 2014
Apr 17, 2014 at 04:06 AM
Hi, ac3mark!

I am truly sorry if I am being really annoying right now, but I really don't understand anything you said.

OK, let me go step by step. Are you saying that in order to collect the data from the drop down list from multiple worksheets, I have to use VBA form? I googled VB form and the results are VBA form. So VB form is a VBA form?

I am sorry, but can you explain it to me like I'm 5 because I'm new to this.
And thank you for replying to my question.
Blocked Profile
Apr 17, 2014 at 09:08 AM
yea, VBA is the same. Do you have th edrop down constructed? Where is data being deposited?

You will stil have to manually link all of the sheets together, back into a book, unless you are going to use OLE (object linking and embedding). Have you read on how to create, edit, and control OLE objects. Once you link them all together, you can use count, or countif.
Natasyamn Posts 4 Registration date Monday April 14, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 17, 2014
Apr 17, 2014 at 11:35 PM
Okay, I kind of get the idea of it. I already read about OLE and I think I can figure it out. I think I would be okay.
Thank you so much for helping me. Really appreciate it!