Almost No One Knows, But This Is What the Hole at the Bottom of a Wine Bottle Is For (It's Not for Pouring)

Almost No One Knows, But This Is What the Hole at the Bottom of a Wine Bottle Is For (It's Not for Pouring)

Do you know why wine bottles have punts at the bottom? Here's the answer.

The mysterious cavity at the bottom of a wine bottle, known as a punt, has sparked many myths among wine enthusiasts. Most wine bottles have this deep concave cavity, which has led to various speculations about its purpose. Some believe that the deeper the punt, the higher the quality of the wine, while others think it's for supporting the finger when pouring to avoid heating the wine. But what is the real reason behind this design?

What Are the Roots of the Punt?

The primary reason for the punt's existence is tradition. The first glass bottles were made using the technique of blowing hot glass and molding it into shape by supporting it on metal plates or molds. This artisanal process resulted in a space at the bottom of the bottle. Although there are now modern methods for making glass bottles, the punt has remained a tradition, particularly for wines and sparkling wines, even as other beverage bottles have moved away from this design.

1. Structural integrity: One of the significant uses of the punt is to strengthen the bottle. This is especially important for sparkling wines and champagnes, which are under high pressure. The punt helps distribute the pressure more evenly, preventing the bottle from breaking.

2. Sediment collection: Wines, especially those aged for a long time, can develop sediment. The punt allows this sediment to settle at the bottom, keeping it out of the wine when it is poured. This feature is similar to the function of a decanter, which is used to separate sediment from the wine.

3. Stability: The punt helps stabilize the bottle, making it less likely to tip over. This was particularly useful when bottles were stored on uneven surfaces in the past.

4. Aesthetic Appeal: The punt also adds an element of tradition and aesthetic appeal, making the bottle look more elegant and refined.

There are many myths surrounding the punt. One common belief is that it is used to support the finger when pouring the wine to prevent heat transfer from the hand to the wine. While this might be a convenient way to hold the bottle, it is not the primary reason for the punt's design. Another myth is that the depth of the punt is an indicator of the wine's quality. However, there is no direct correlation between the punt's depth and the quality of the wine.


The punt at the bottom of a wine bottle serves several practical purposes, from structural integrity and sediment collection to stability and aesthetic appeal. Understanding these reasons can enhance your appreciation of the craftsmanship involved in making wine bottles. While it might not indicate the quality of the wine, the punt remains an integral part of the wine bottle's design, steeped in tradition and utility.