Scientist Reveals the Damage Screens Cause to Children's Brains

Scientist Reveals the Damage Screens Cause to Children's Brains

Why can spending too much time in front of a mobile phone, tablet, or television negatively affect a child's growth process? A neurobiologist provides a detailed explanation.

What Is the Damage Screens Cause to Children's Brains?

When children play games on smartphones or watch cartoons, their parents have blessed moments to relax. But how does spending a lot of time in front of a screen affect children? Research on the human brain shows that young children are especially sensitive to screens. Reputable German neuroscientist Martin Korte, author of a series of books on children's brains and learning, shared the latest findings on the impact of prolonged screen time on a child's brain.

According to him, in the first three years of life, children learn to recognize objects and distances, interpret and categorize observations, and associate visual experiences with emotions. When they only look at images on the screen, they do not actively interact with the world around them; they do not move, they do not feel it tactilely, and they cannot judge distances.

Older children are also negatively affected by prolonged screen time. As an example, the scientist cited a study conducted by Chinese colleagues on the behavior of children aged five to ten who spent several hours a day in front of screens. The results showed that they had a deficiency in the development of brain centers. "Body movement is a powerful stimulus for brain development, which releases substances that improve brain function. If children do not move, development problems can occur," highlighted the scientist.

In addition, Korte emphasized the importance of interaction with other people, which cannot be replaced by a cartoon or a video game. "When we understand what other people feel and think, we learn to regulate our emotions. This is how empathy and emotional intelligence develop."

The neurobiologist explained that the visual centers of the human brain develop together with emotional centers such as the amygdala, and excessive visual stimulation can cause strong emotional outbursts. For all these reasons, it is important that parents pay attention to the time their children spend in front of screens.