Say Goodbye to Flies in Your Home with This Simple and Economical Technique

Say Goodbye to Flies in Your Home with This Simple and Economical Technique

With the summer heat, flies return to invade our gardens and homes. Fortunately, there is a simple and cost effective way to repel them using a product you already have in your kitchen.

Flies are particularly active when temperatures increase. They are attracted to heat and humidity, making them unwanted visitors when spring turns to summer. While traps and chemical repellents can be effective, they are not always the most desirable solution.

To keep these pesky insects away without eradicating them, it's better to use a natural and non toxic method like this aluminum foil technique.

For this, you only need clear freezer bags, water, and pieces of aluminum foil.

  • Start by filling the bags with water and adding a few pieces of aluminum foil.
  • Seal the bags tightly and hang them around windows and doors.
  • The sunlight will reflect off the pieces of aluminum, creating a shimmering effect that will disorient and deter the flies, preventing them from entering.

This technique works on the same principle as hanging CDs in trees to scare away birds. The light reflections disrupt the flies' vision, prompting them to avoid the area. If you have multiple entry points in your home, feel free to use several bags to maximize the effect of this method.


While this technique is effective in preventing flies from entering, it's not sufficient if they are already inside. In that case, there are other complementary solutions. Repellent plants like lavender, mint, or basil can help keep flies away with their natural aromas. Homemade traps, such as containers with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap, can also attract and capture these insects.

It is also crucial to maintain a clean house to reduce the flies' attraction. Regularly empty the trash, clean kitchen surfaces, and store food in airtight containers. A clean house is less likely to attract these pests.

Lastly, remember that while flies are a domestic nuisance, they play an important role in our ecosystem. They contribute to the decomposition of organic matter and some species even participate in pollination. They also serve as a food source for many predators like birds, frogs, and spiders. Therefore, it's better to seek methods to repel them rather than eliminate them completely.