Beware of Scams: What to Avoid Ordering on Vacation

Beware of Scams: What to Avoid Ordering on Vacation

Dining out during your vacation can be one of the most enjoyable actives, however to ensure a pleasant experience, especially in touristy areas, keep these tips in mind.

Whether it's a cozy café in Paris, a tapas bar in Barcelona, or an authentic trattoria in Rome, visiting restaurants and trying out the local cuisine is a great way to immerse yourself in a country's culture.

However, some restaurants, particularly in busy tourist areas, can be tourist traps with high prices, frozen meals or worse. To avoid these, always be vigilant. 

First, never order without checking the prices on the menu. If prices aren't listed, don't hesitate to ask upfront. Look for extra charges for cover or service, common in countries like Italy. If the menu isn't in your language, use your phone's camera app, which often includes translation options, or a translation app like Google Translate.

When ordering meat or fish, ensure the price is for the whole dish, not by weight. Some places list the cost per 100 grams, which can lead to an unpleasant surprise when the bill arrives. For beef, prices can vary if it's weighed with the bone, so be mindful of the cut you order.

If you plan to order cocktails, take a look at what other tables have been served: do they seem to have too much ice? For wine, it's always a good idea to ask if they have a house wine, which is usually more affordable, or carefully check the prices before ordering. Waiters tend to suggest more expensive bottles.

If a restaurant offers an extensive menu with many different types of dishes, it's possible that several of them are pre-made and just reheated. This is especially common with desserts, which can be stored for several days.

To avoid these scams from the start, it's best to check the restaurant online before visiting. Look at the menu and read customer reviews about the prices and quality. Online reviews are invaluable when trying out somewhere for the first time in a new place.

If you decide after looking at the menu you are unhappy with what is on offer and that you don't wish to eat in an establishment, then do not feel obliged to stay. Especially if you haven't ordered anything. You will only have wasted some of your time, and not your money.