Things at Home That Catch the Attention of Burglars: How to Minimize the Risk

Things at Home That Catch the Attention of Burglars: How to Minimize the Risk

These are some homes that are more likely to be targeted by burglars than others, these are how you can minimize the risks of a break in.

Regardless of whether you live in the countryside or in a city, your home is always at risk of being burgled. However, some homes are more appealing to thieves than others

To protect your home, using standard security measures like sturdy double locks and cameras is essential. But it's just as important to think like a burglar. These are what burglars typically look for in a target:

Lack of Security Equipment - Burglars usually scout out a property before attempting a break-in. One of the first things they check is the presence of security devices. If they don't see cameras or alarms, they're more likely to proceed. And don't rely on fake alarms, they're easy to spot and won't provide real protection.

Large Bushes and Open Windows - Overgrown bushes in front of windows create perfect hiding spots, making your home more attractive to burglars. Similarly, open or slightly ajar windows are a clear invitation. If your windows are easy to reach and lack security bars, make sure they're securely closed when you're not home.

An Empty House - Planning to be away for a while? Keep it low key. The fewer people who know, the better. Be mindful of what you post on social media; if your accounts aren't private, wait until you're back to share your experiences. Burglaries often spike during the holiday season when many homes are left empty. 

Some simple measures can make your home a much tougher target. Homes with motion-sensor lights, strong, tamper-resistant doors, and guard dogs are less likely to be chosen by burglars. They also tend to avoid homes where residents have irregular schedules since the unpredictable presence increases their risk of getting caught.

Be alert to unusual activity in your neighborhood. If you notice a car frequently parked nearby that doesn't belong to your neighbors, or unfamiliar people lingering around your property, possibly taking photos, this could be a sign of trouble. It's also suspicious if someone knocks on your door with a flimsy excuse and tries to start a conversation.