Warning: These Household Plants Can Be Toxic

Warning: These Household Plants Can Be Toxic

A bedroom filled with plants can be beautiful, but it's important to choose the right ones for the space where you sleep.

It is a really nice feeling to wake up every morning and see beautiful plants and flowers in your bedroom. Not only do they improve you mood and calm your nerves, but they also regulate indoor humidity levels, and improve air quality. But did you know that not all plants are suitable for the bedroom? 

When choosing plants for your bedroom, it's important to consider not only aesthetic criteria but also your health. Experts advise against sleeping next to certain types of plants and flowers. This also applies to cut flowers that we keep in water for several days.

First on the list are lilies. Lilies actively absorb oxygen at night, but that's not all. These noble flowers have a strong, sweet fragrance that can cause migraines in some people. Additionally, they consume a lot of oxygen at night.

Monstera is an exotic indoor vine. However, the surface of its leaves is covered with tiny needle like formations that can cause allergic reactions if they come into contact with human mucous membranes.

The primrose is another flower that's better not placed in the bedroom. Its flowers emit volatile alkaloid substances that can cause slight dizziness and allergic reactions.

Some varieties of cacti are also dangerous, such as Euphorbia or pereskia. They contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. The decorative fern reproduces via spores, which, if inhaled, can negatively affect the respiratory system.

The oleander is another plant that can cause allergies, but only when touched. It contains a toxic substance in its stems and leaves, so it's best to wear gloves when handling it.

If you have young children or pets at home, it's better not to have Dieffenbachia in your house. The sap of this plant can also cause severe allergic reactions.

If all of these flowers and plants are not best suited for the bedroom, you're probably asking which ones are? Well, lavender, aloe vera and spider plants all produce a lot of oxygen, have a number of health benefits, and lavender has a pleasant fragrance.