Problems with Bad Breath? Doctors Reveal What Really Helps

Problems with Bad Breath? Doctors Reveal What Really Helps

Worried that you have bad breath? Good news, these hygiene tricks could be the simple solution you are looking for.

It's one of those things people rarely talk about because, let's face it, bad breath is awkward and uncomfortable. But it happens to the best of us, sometimes at the worst possible moments, like right before an important meeting or a date. So, how do you quickly get rid of bad breath? Let's look at some easy fixes that should be able to help you out. 

While underlying health conditions, like gastrointestinal or liver issues, can be the culprits behind bad breath, they're less common. If you suspect something more serious, it's always wise to check with a doctor. But in most cases, bad breath is simply the result of poor oral hygiene habits, or related to something that you have eaten.

"Bad breath is usually caused by a lack of proper hygiene," says Christoph Sliwowski, a German dentist and implant specialist. When bacteria break down food particles left in your mouth, they produce foul smelling sulfur compounds. The less you brush and clean your mouth thoroughly, the worse it gets.

But there's more to fresh breath than just brushing. Many people think brushing alone does the trick, but Sliwowski suggests another important step, cleaning your tongue. This often-overlooked task can be a game-changer. Using a tongue scraper daily can dramatically reduce the bacteria in your mouth, leaving your breath fresher and your mouth feeling cleaner.

To add some quick freshness, sugar free gum or special mouthwashes can help, but be warned, they're only temporary fixes. For a more lasting solution, natural remedies can work wonders. One of the best options? Coconut oil. Swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for 5 to 10 minutes a day, a practice known as oil pulling, can give you a much fresher breath.

And if your bad breath issues stem from eating strong smelling foods like garlic or onions, chewing parsley, mint, or sage, herbs packed with essential oils can help neutralize those strong odors. Also, regular dental check ups and avoiding alcohol and tobacco are also crucial for keeping bad breath at bay.