Don't Throw Away That Cooking Water: It's an Excellent Household Cleaner

Don't Throw Away That Cooking Water: It's an Excellent Household Cleaner

When you're cooking, consider saving that cooking water instead of pouring it down the drain! It has incredible properties that can be extremely useful for cleaning around your home.

When it's time for deep cleaning, it's best to be equipped with the right products if you don't want to spend too much time and energy. For this, it is a good idea to turn to natural solutions, particularly from the kitchen. Beyond just being somewhere that you prepare meals, the kitchen is full of eco-friendly and cost effective tricks.

Some natural products are even more effective than chemicals, and that's certainly the case with potato cooking water. While many people throw it out without a second thought, this water can be a valuable tool for household cleaning. Why waste it when you can turn food leftovers into valuable resources? Indeed, this water has surprising cleaning properties.

When potatoes are boiled, they release starch into the water, giving it powerful degreasing and stain removing abilities, making it highly effective for fighting dirt on all surfaces. Affordable and easy to use, this liquid can serve as an excellent substitute for traditional household cleaners, which are often expensive and filled with chemicals.

This cooking water is especially effective for deep cleaning tiles and grout, degreasing behind the cooker, removing limescale, tackling stubborn stains, descaling appliances, and even polishing stainless steel or silverware. To use it, simply let it cool down, then apply it to the surface with a cloth or sponge. The starch works by lifting grease and absorbing impurities, allowing for a thorough clean.

As a natural product, it offers several benefits. It has no unpleasant odor and poses no health risks, unless you're allergic to potatoes, of course, but that's another story. Plus, it's biodegradable, making it an environmentally friendly option, unlike conventional cleaning products that are often harsh on hands and harmful to the ecosystem. If you still have left over water after cleaning, you can always put it in your garden because the nutrients are beneficial to plants. 

This trick should especially appeal to fans of natural solutions and zero waste lifestyles! So, the next time you prepare potatoes, remember to save that cooking water!