Study Reveals: How Potatoes Can Extend Your Life

Potatoes are among the most versatile vegetables, and a new study suggests they may even help you live longer.
Potatoes are a stable in kitchens around the world, featuring in many signature dishes in different countries. But did you know that they are also one of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat. A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition reveals that regularly eating potatoes may lower your risk of heart disease and boost your lifespan.
So why are potatoes are so good for your health? Firstly, potatoes are full of nutrients that benefit your heart. They are packed with potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Despite having a reputation for being high in starch and having a high glycemic index, both factors that are linked to heart risks, researchers in Norway made a surprising discovery.
After studying the diets of over 77,000 adults for 33.5 years, they found that people who ate more potatoes generally lived longer and had fewer cardiovascular issues. The benefits were especially noticeable in men.
On average, participants ate 13 potatoes per week, around two a day, and it made a significant difference. Regular potato eaters had lower mortality rates overall.
The study also found that how the potatoes are cooked matters. During the 1970s and 1980s in Norway, most potatoes were boiled, a method that appears to maximize their health benefits.
So how many potatoes should you try to eat per week? Based on the study, eating at least 14 potatoes per week was linked to a noticeably lower risk of heart disease. Even better, adding just one medium potato (about 100 grams) per day reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease and overall mortality by about 4%. These benefits held up even after considering factors like gender, BMI, smoking, and exercise.
Boiled potatoes, which have a lower glycemic index and are rich in nutrients, stood out as the healthiest option. In contrast, processed potato products like chips didn't contribute to these benefits.
Want to improve your health? It might be as simple as adding more boiled potatoes to your meals. They're an excellent source of quality carbohydrates and an easy way to protect your heart and live longer.