Most streaming videos on the Internet are in FLV format. Fortunately, there are some tools that can play this kind of format and even download videos in FLV format. GetFLV is one of these tools: it enables to download and convert FLV file format.
What are the key features of GetFLV?
- Download: GetFLV is a program specially designed to download flash movies and videos on the Internet. This is a powerful tool since the transfer is done in a record time and the quality is good.
- Supported formats: apart from the recovery of FLV files, GetFLV can also download videos in MPEG, AVI, 3GP, MP4, ASF, MOV, and WMV. After that, you can convert these files into the format of your choice.
- Conversion and repairing: as told above, GetFLV also performs the conversion of one file into another. Moreover, it can extract audio track from your FLV files and to top it all, you can repair corrupted FLV files.
- Interface: it has a simple interface that facilitates its handling and mastering. Features are grouped into a window. They are represented as vertical icons.

Is it free?
This is a free 14-day trial version. After it expires you can purchase the full license for $59.