Doki Doki Literature Club! is a psychological horror anime video game that revolves around a literature club, as the name suggests. However, don't be fooled by appearances. You are now a member and many interesting but terrifying things will happen to you.
You are a young man who has been invited to join a high school club full of cute women. As the story goes on, you will progressively learn to know them better. But be careful, as what you will find behind the curtain may not be what you expected.
- Fascinating story: Although the story may seem kawaii, you will quickly understand that you are on a slippery slope, but we can't tell you more without spoiling you. Sometimes the story may take a path that does not interest you, but it is possible to delete some files from the game to restart the story from a specific point.
- You decide: Throughout your adventure, you will have to make different choices depending on the situation. Think twice before deciding, as every one of them will affect the rest of your story.
- Chit-chat: Every day will be full of chit-chat with the different club members. Everyone has their character traits, and you will learn to know them better as the plot unfolds.
- Poems: Poems are very important throughout the game. Choose your words carefully, as they can have a very different effect depending on the girl they are addressed to.
Doki Doki Literature Club! features simple 2D cartoonish graphics that perfectly follow its Japanese graphic novel spirit.
Duration and game modes
The game offers a solo experience that lasts about 5 hours. If you like this kind of game, you may be interested in trying Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!, which contains even more features and content.
What do the reviews say?
Doki Doki Literature Club! has a Metacritic score of 78/100.
"Doki Doki Literature Club! is totally free and one of the best visual novels ever made." (
Age rating
The video game has no PEGI label, but it contains violence and strong language, so we do not recommend it to an audience under 18.
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