- It usually takes us just over a day to review your information
- It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. check back here. - Best answers
- It usually takes is just over a day - Best answers
- You disagreed with the decision facebook - Facebook Forum
- It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. - Facebook Forum
- Hello sir back my Facebook account ✓ - Facebook Forum
- You disagreed with the decision ✓ - Facebook Forum
- My account is Disagreed with the Decision ✓ - Facebook Forum
1 response
Registration date
Friday October 30, 2015
Last seen
February 15, 2025
Aug 8, 2021 at 06:28 AM
Aug 8, 2021 at 06:28 AM
Here's how long does it take for Facebook to review an account. Facebook takes usually several weeks to a few months. You must wait until they've completed the review process.
Note: CCM has no connection Facebook and cannot unblock your account for you.
Here's how long does it take for Facebook to review an account. Facebook takes usually several weeks to a few months. You must wait until they've completed the review process.
Note: CCM has no connection Facebook and cannot unblock your account for you.
Oct 23, 2021 at 03:33 PM