The discussions
Messenger images failed to load
Hi, How to fix this issue? "No media Photos and videos you exchange with this group will appear here. Images failed to load" Thanks for your help...
Update messenger chats on new iphone 16
Hello, Messenger keeps wanting to update my chats so I click on it and then it wants a 6-digit code. I have no idea what that code is. So I click on t...
'auto return' turned off
I hope I can explain this clearly. Somehow how I managed to accidentally turn off or turn on a feature that prevents messages from automatically going...
Hyperlinks no longer work on messenger
Hello, Hyperlinks no longer work after end-to-end encryption enforced. I've tried uninstalling messenger resetting my settings I've checked every...
Gif selection overlay preventing playing videos
Hello, my Android 9 messenger app recently started including a gif selection overlay bar which pops up when I open a chat message and touch the screen...
A random chat always top of my facebook messages on desktop
Hi for several years now when I open fb messages on my desktop via any web browser a chat from a particular person (an old customer of mine) opens up ...
Can't receive messages
Hello, I'm unable to receive messages despite clearing the cache/storage, reinstalling, and having settings say that people should be able to message...
Picture under message
SolvedDear All When I place a website link in a message, a fragment of that site appears below that message. Can I adjust that picture? Thanks! Henk
Changing password
SolvedHello, I changed my password for messenger because my daughter was always reading my chats on her phone. So i logged out on all devices but it did no...
Old messages appearing
Hello, Is it possible for a very old message to reappear in your current FB messenger thread with a current date? I know there was such a glitch in ...
Facebook messenger media,files and links
SolvedHello, Someone has deleted my messages on my fb messenger from a certain person and when I go onto the messages from this person its been deleted but...
Messenger won't upload my contacts
hi, messenger won't upload my contacts or do anything at all - it doesn't synchronize my contacts from SIM card (to see which of my friends are alrea...
Am i blocked on messenger?
I'm trying to find out if the person I'm talking to on Facebook is either ignoring me or just straight blocking me on Facebook Messenger. I send them ...
Way to limit number of messages someone can send at one time
Hi all. I am trying to find a way to limit the number of messages someone can send me at once on messenger. Basically, stop them from spamming me w...
Can't upload contacts to messenger
Hello, Where can be a problem that messenger app don't wanna upload/ synchronize my contacts from SIM card to messenger(to see which of my friends...
Missing messages in messenger group chat
Hello, My friend and i are in the same messenger chat group but he has some messages that i used to have but they are gone on my iphone and not his. ...
It shows "no media" when i try to view media, files, & links
I am trying to view all images my mom has sent me over the last year or two in Messenger, but when I tap on (on my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra) or click ...
Stick search instead of emoji
SolvedHello, I noticed, since yesterday, that whenvIm typing a test, emoji icon dissapear, and stick search shows up. My question ... How to delete this a...
Search conversation not working in messenger
SolvedI recently unarchived a chat on messenger, but when I type in the search conversation bar of that chat, I don't get any there any solution ...
Missing emojis on messenger android
SolvedHello, i cleared my data and cache on my messenger up because it was acting up, now some emojis are missing. The emojis that are missing show u...
I am unable to send my website on messenger
SolvedHello, I am unable to send my website on messenger, I don't know what can be the reason can someone explain me?
My account lockd unlock my facebook account
Hello, Dear Facebook team my account has been locked and not getting unlock because its showing confirm your identity problem.This account very impo...
Error unable to complete request
SolvedHewllo, It’s several days that I can’t log in on messenger It gives me this message Error Unable to complete request try later.. I did uninst...
No chats in messenger
Hello i Hope someone can help. I have deleted the messenger app, reloaded it, signed in and out of Facebook, changed password, download most recent i...
Sent messages on facebook messenger
Hi, If I send a message to someone on Facebook using my voice recorder does it automatically erase my message or do I have to delete it myself? And w...
How to add messenger icon on my new website?
Solved/ClosedHello, How to Add Messenger Icon on my New Website? Please Help to resolve.
Facebook messenger activity log
Hello, Messenger automatically sorts people by latest interactions (messages, calls,...) The problem I have is that when I delete the last message i...
Green dot next to videochat icon
SolvedHello, Green dot next to video chat icon shows that a member is currently in a video chat?? What does it indicate?
Messages disappearing on messenger
Hello, I’m hoping someone can help me. A couple of days ago a friend started a new message thread on FB messenger. For him, he sees the entire con...
It wont go away (mobile)
when i kicked a member out of my groupchat it started loading saying "Removing..." and it wont go away i cant use my phone until its fixed
Facebook login code is not going to my number
Hello, Facebook login code is not going to my number Jodi used to give the code to my number
How to get back my important account
Hello, Hi sir goodevening I'm so badly need your help to get back my account my fb account it's so Verry important I hope you can read this works s...
Unable to complete request on messenger app
Hello, I have a problem with the messenger app on my phone. I get this: "Error: Unable to complete request. Please try again later." I have tried e...
My account is disagree with the decision please help me .
Hello, Dear sir, You disagreed with tha decision On 10 june 2922 It usually takes us just over a day. To review your information. Check bac...
Sair, your account has been locked we saw unusual activity o
Sair, your account has been locked We saw unusual activity on your account. This may mean that someone has used your account without your knowledge. ...
Stephen g
Hello, I have facebook problem
Messenger active status
Hello. I have a problem with Messenger. I don't see online friends. I know they are online. I don't even see the time they were online. I have a...
My facebook account has been locked how to unlocked
ClosedHello, Fcebook team I have facebook lock how to unlocked
Delivered icon replaced by “sent” text
Hello, How to revert back the delivered icon? mine was disappeared and got replace by “sent” word
My facebook account login please
Hello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation
Facebook has been locked
Hello, this is aekon i can't open my account because it has been locked
Sir i am using my official facebook account from last 3 year
Hello, Sir I am Using My Official Facebook Account From Last 3 Years, Sir I Follow Facebook Community Guidelines Rules, Sir My Official Facebook A...
Login issue
Hello, Can't login into my Facebook account because someone else logged into it and latter changed my phone number and put his.
Your post goes against our community standards on child sexu
Hello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation
Help me get my account back please
Hello, I need your help
My account has been locked
Hello, Dear Facebook Team, Recently My facebook account has been locked. And when I want to unlock it, then want My facebook Date of Birth but I do...
Receiving calls when logged out
Hello, Will a call still connect if you ring someone who has logged out of their account (switched to another account) Thankyou Windows
Please help me facebook team
Hello, Sir/madam my Facebook account has been locked and this account is very important for me please help me
Login issue
Yash, you disagreed with the decision ON NOVEMBER 18, 2021 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is not visi...
Reviewing your information
Hello, It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Check back here.